Sunday, September 22, 2013

Breakfast in America

A typical american meal in Paris..
Well, if you're in Paris you probably want to try some french food but here's an alternative. This one is called Breakfast in America, I guess it's well-known here in Paris because there's already two of them. It was one of the first restaurants I went to! Mainly because I knew it wasn't going to be expensive (how much can a burger be, right?) and I knew what I was going to get in the menu. But I can tell you something, the burgers aren't that great, I mean you can do better at home, I had the So Cal Burger, and I tell you it's not worth it.. I basically asked for it because of the avocado, but you can't even taste it.
The milkshakes are very very tasty and the blueberry pancakes are quite nice as well. They have a coffee called Bottomless Mug O' Joe that they refill for free and it's very good. So I guess the place is much better for actual breakfast or brunch, that might be why it's called Breakfast in America.
They also have a cheaper student menu for lunch on week days :)

They have two restaurants in the city, one is on 17 Rue des Écoles 75005 Paris and the other is on 4 Rue Malher 75004 Paris.
It's open everyday! From 8:30 to 23:00.

Breakfast In America, 4 Rue Malher 75004
Strawberry Milkshake
So Cal Burger


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